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In 2020, China's Foreign Trade Handed Over a Brilliant Transcript

Jun. 15, 2021

In 2020, China's foreign trade handed over a brilliant transcript, and both the import and export scale and its share in the international market reached a record high. Will China's foreign trade continue its strong growth momentum in 2021? On February 24th, the State Council Office held a press conference to introduce the situation of accelerating the high-quality development of business and building a new development pattern of services. In view of this year's foreign trade situation, Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao said that in terms of demand, the whole epidemic situation in Covid-19 still has some ups and downs, which are unclear and uncertain, so the judgment of this year's foreign trade situation is severe and complicated. "From the perspective of supply chain and industrial chain, the factors affecting stability are still developing. We will resolutely stabilize the basic situation of foreign trade and foreign investment, focusing on the implementation of the excellent and excellent plan, the trade industry integration plan and the trade smooth plan."

Huo Jianguo, former president of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce and vice president of China WTO Research Association, said in an interview with national business daily that from the international economic situation, there are still many contradictions facing the world economy, and it is unlikely that the European and American economies will recover rapidly in the first half of this year. On the other hand, the negative impact of international trade protectionism and trade friction still exists. Therefore, China's foreign trade import and export will still face some external challenges this year. How should a number of foreign trade transformation and upgrading bases be newly identified to stabilize the basic market of foreign trade and foreign investment in 2021? Wang Wentao said: First, continue to strengthen policy support. Therefore, the Ministry of Commerce will maintain the continuity, stability and sustainability of policies with local and relevant departments. Regularly listen to the problems and voices reflected by foreign trade enterprises, such as solving the problems of poor international logistics and high logistics costs, consolidating and upgrading export credit insurance, paying special attention to the delivery of foreign trade credit, and supporting foreign trade enterprises to stabilize and expand their posts. The second is to ensure the stability and smoothness of the foreign trade industrial chain and supply chain. Wang Wentao emphasized that efforts should be made in the integration and development of trade industries, a number of foreign trade transformation and upgrading bases should be newly identified, a number of processing trade industrial parks should be cultivated, and a number of national import trade promotion and innovation demonstration zones will be built to expand the scale of imports and drive related industries to improve quality and efficiency. Third, help foreign trade enterprises stabilize their orders and expand their markets. It is mainly to give full play to the role of the platform. This year, the 4th China International Import Expo(CIIE) and 2021 Service Trade Fair will be run well, and the Canton Fair and the first Consumer Expo will be used well to make contributions to stabilizing orders and expanding markets for enterprises. "We will also strengthen the construction of international marketing system, especially the upgrading and development of overseas warehouses, and promote the integration of domestic and foreign trade. We will also establish a smooth working mechanism for trade with more trading partners, especially the' the belt and road initiative' related countries, and create a good international environment for foreign trade enterprises. " Wang Wentao said.

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